Financial Support

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

2 Corinthians 9:7

Weekly Giving

Church Offerings

Here at WCRC we typically do two offerings during a Sunday morning service by passing around offering bags. People leave what they feel called to leave during this time.

During this time of covid restrictions we have set up our offering bags at the entrance to our sanctuary to accommodate social distancing.

Donations by e-transfer are highly recommended at this time. Please send your e-transfer to: wcrcdonate [at]

If you’re offering is for the second collection, please identify this in the comments of your e-transfer.

1st weekly offering that is collected is for the church budget and the 2nd weekly offering is for a non-for-profit organization the deacons have chosen for the congregation to support. 

Church Financial Questions

Our churches finances are run by a group of hard working volunteers including a Counting Committee and a Treasurer, as well as a Board of Finance and Administration. To ask a question, or to get more information to sign up for an automatic offering withdrawal, please ask here. 

Financial Legacy

Last Wills & Gifts

Anyone wishing to leave a monies to the congregation, are kindly asked to use the following wording in their last will: “It is my/our express wish that … $ … or … % … of my/our estate be given to the Christian Reformed Church of Williamsburg, Ontario.”


Budget envelopes are been placed in your mailboxes at the church, at the end of the calendar year. All those doing profession of faith during the last year and those transferring in will also receive envelopes. If you did not receive one but would like one, please contact the clerk here

Auto withdrawal for church budget

To make things a little easier we do have an option for you to set up a monthly auto withdrawal, we call this PAR. Once it’s set up it makes church giving easy to budget in at home. Get started by asking here

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