Meet our Volunteers and Staff

Lead Pastor

Pastor Gregg

Pastor Gregg entered ministry later in life and with his wife Laurie at his side, he has brought his life full of experience to Williamsburg CRC. He is a graduate of Tyndale Seminary (MDiv) and Calvin Seminary (EPMC). He has two grown children and two grandchildren. His mission is to reach out to those in the church and those affected by the church, in order that together we grow into a deeper understanding of our faith, and see the relevance of Jesus Christ in our every days lives. 

Pastor Gregg Lawson phone: 613-438-4774

Youth & Young Adults Pastor

Pastor Joe

Joe came to Williamsburg CRC in 2011 after enduring and enjoying many years of university and seminary. He relishes the challenge of ministering to the younger generation of the church, having discussions about all sorts of topics, meeting them where they’re at and pointing them to the true joy that’s found in Christ. He and his wife, Kristin have four young children and enjoy the outdoors, especially the Morrisburg waterfront in the summer months.

Pastor Joe Groeneveld phone: 613-535-2875

Stated Clerk

Anjo Norg

Stated Clerk

Anjo has grown up in Williamsburg CRC and after being away in his twenties returned in 2000 with his wife Kathy and son Harlem. Anjo has been involved in the congregation in various ways even though he was often away for his occupation as a truck driver. After retiring he was able to take on the task of clerk in 2023.


Anjo Norg 613-978-5400

Bulletin Editor

Bridget Blais

Bridget volunteers her time and creative skills to put together the church bulletin every week. 

Directors of Church Facility Ministry

Jo-Anne & Bill Hoftyzer

Jo-Anne has been a member of Williamsburg Christian Reformed most of her life, except for a brief period when she and Bill attended Bethel Christian Reformed Church in Newmarket ON in the 80’s. Bill joined the Williamsburg CRC in 1974, moving here from Port Perry ON. They have 4 married children and 2 grandchildren. Bill and Jo-Anne became the custodians in 2012 and work hard at keeping the building inviting for all members and guests. 

Bill 613-794-4078

Jo-Ann 613-362-9757

Our Church Elders

Josh Geertsema Chairman
  • John Guthrie
  • Andrew De Jong
  • Mike Dewar
  • Mark Geertsema
  • Jack Menkhorst
  • Derrick Noort
  • Chris Johnson
  • Tony VanderVeen
  • Jason Wagensveld

Our Church Deacons

Andrew Van Veen Chairman
  • Peter Venema
  • Josh Geertsema
  • Jason Schell

Our Church Volunteer Leaders

Nicole Johnson

Junior Sunday School Ministries

Jess Menkhorst

Senior Sunday School Ministries

Jess Menkhorst

GEMS Ministry

John Menkhorst

Cadet Ministry

Christine VanderMeer

Friendship Ministry

Margo Vangilst

Ladies Bible Study Ministry

Ralph Norg

Men's Bible Study Ministry